AquaCam and Motivational Concepts

As coaches ourselves we have always looked for ways to help make swimmers faster. This can be done by both traditional and non-traditional means. Teaching strokes and physical training are two of the most obvious, but motivating swimmers to change and embrace the effort is a crucial piece.
"If you aim at nothing, you are bound to hit it."
This is how Motivational Concepts came to be. A young swimmer can think about breaking a team record, but motivation is boosted by both human nature and social norms. This means a swimmer is more likely to work harder for a goal when their name can be visibly displayed for their friends and peers instead of in a closed notebook held by the coach.
Over 40 years ago I made my first crude record board for a summer team and hung it on the wall of the bathhouse the first week of the season. When ALL team records were broken, some of them multiple times, during the season, I realized the potential this had. I no longer had to “push the car.” The swimmers were building their own powerful “self-engine” and all the coaches had to do was “teach them to drive.”
Many variations later we had a design that worked effectively and inexpensively, for both walk-up record boards and huge boards that can be seen from a distance. We realize that different teams have different needs. Many of our displays can recognize achievements other than team records. Motivate your young athletes toward whatever you want to achieve!
We started business in 1991 with record boards while continuing to coach.
As swim instructors prior to becoming coaches, we realized the importance of getting young swimmers to improve their strokes. It is the single most important factor to increasing speed, and visual instruction is the single most important factor in teaching. If they can SEE what they are doing underwater (where the real action happens) they will correct their habits much quicker.
We played around with underwater recording, starting with an 8mm film camera in an upside down fish bowl, and expanded to video in the 1980’s. We experimented constantly with different formats and systems. In 1997 we added underwater video cameras and systems to our old web site. Over the years we have refined them with the advent of new technology.
Our company took a break from 2014 to 2024 when my business partner moved out of state, although we still serviced our old customers with record board letters and AquaCam batteries. We are now returning with this new web site and streamlined product offerings. But our goal continues to be what it has always been, providing record board motivation and underwater video cameras to help your swimmers achieve their ultimate potential.
With over 3000 items sold over 40 years, we continue to offer unique and effective products to swimmers and coaches at reasonable prices.
Feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail with any questions.
Motivational Concepts
and AquaCam