AquaCam and Motivational Concepts
Swimming Record Board Orders and Pricing
When considering a swimming record board you need to first plan for the number of records you want to display and also for future additions, if any. Review the different boards displayed below, counting the lines and records, and figure the space available at your facility.​ There are sign companies out there that dabble in record boards, but most require your team to purchase replacement letters or strips when a record is broken.
We were the ORIGINAL swim team record board company, (est. 1991) and provide you with spare letters (or record strips) giving you the ability to replace your own records immediately, without additional cost. Your swimmers don’t have to wait to be recognized. Records, especially for Age Group teams, are broken frequently and costs for replacement records can be prohibitive. We are the ONLY company that gives you multiple options to proudly, yet inexpensively display your team's achievements.
An important consideration in planning for an Age Group record board is understanding the number of existing records and events. A typical age group 8-under category can have more Boys and Girls records than your average High School team, and a Senior category can require 26 lines. This is why ThinTrack “walk-up” boards are usually best for age group teams. ​If your facility has plenty of “tall” wall space, and you have permission to use it, the DuraTrack 2” size will work well, but realize that the 8-U records alone (boys and girls) will take up a 4 ft. x 8 ft. space. (Relays need 2 lines to recognize all names.)
Our DuraTrack board kits are designed for High Schools and Colleges who want a large display for maximum recognition and motivation, yet at a "kit" price and substantial savings.
ThinTrack Record Boards for AG, HS and Colleges
Our ThinTrack system offers three different size record strips for Age Group, High School or College displays. Each allows you to print out a record strip immediately on your own computer (with the provided software), and cut to size with the included template.
Headings and frame
colors are customized
for your team at no
additional cost. ​​​

Each board is approx. 4 ft. by 4 ft. in size and comes with a lockable Plexiglas cover. After reviewing this page, you may contact us by phone or email below with your design thoughts. We will format your ideas and text you a scale diagram. ThinTrack boards have a Plexiglas cover and can be mounted inside or outside but should be mounted under a covered area away from direct sunlight and rain. Motivate your swimmers to be faster with visible recognition.

DuraTrack Record Boards in smaller (2") or larger (4") sizes
Our DuraTrack boards are now offered in kits that come with everything you need to make your own displays easily at a fraction of the price. We used to build and ship these large boards but increased shipping costs, space and labor led us to this solution. Purchase our complete kit, missing only the substrate panels and wooden framing which you can purchase locally. (See below.) Everything else is included plus all the individual record letters you will ever need (plus spares) so you never need to spend money when a swimmer breaks a record. Minimal woodworking experience is needed and your team can save thousands.
At the bottom of this page is a box explaining, in more detail, what is needed to purchase and cut. Everything else is included in the kit price including easy-to-read instructions. Black letters and numbers are the standard letter colors but custom colors can be substituted for an additional fee.
Our 2” style is generally for AG teams and the 4” style is for HS and College teams that want a quality display at a much more reasonable price. ​DuraTrack boards are not meant for outside use as they are large, uncovered, and meant to be mounted out of reach. Letters are held in place by tracking and can not be dislodged by thrown objects.

2 inch letter squares (1 3/4" letter height.)

Color options

4 inch letter squares (3 3/4" letter height.)
DuraTrack 2" panel kits for Age Group or HS
Our easiest kits for 2" display
2-inch style for Age Group teams or High School records. (HS Team-only, or
Team/Pool using two panels)
Each kit includes:
18 tracks plus 30 heading letters (4" style)
3 letter sets for 870 letters,
2 number sets for 328 numbers,
and over 100 punctuations

4 x 8 panel
Can customize your AG panels by joining them vertically or horizontally with optional "joiner" inserts.

4 x 8 panel
Can display HS Team records on a single panel or Team + Pool records on two panels.
Surround with a painted wood frame or paint the edges of the panel.

4 x 8 panels mounted horizontally

4 x 8 panels mounted vertically
DuraTrack 4" kits for High School or College
DuraTrack HS Team-Only Kit
4-inch style for High School Team-Only records.
Each kit includes:
36 record tracks, 18 event tracks, plus
30 heading letters (4" style)
and a 6" peel-and-stick major heading
5 letter sets for 750 letters,
4 number sets for 272 numbers,
and over 100 punctuations.

Size: 8' x 12'
DuraTrack HS Team/Pool Kit
4-inch style for High School Team + Pool records.
Each kit includes:
72 record tracks, 18 event tracks, plus
40 heading letters (4" style)
and a 6" peel-and-stick major heading
9 letter sets for 1350 letters,
9 number sets for 612 numbers,
and over 200 punctuations.

Size: 8' x 22'
DuraTrack College Team-Only Kit
4-inch style for College Team records.
Each kit includes:
56 record tracks, 28 event tracks, plus
30 heading letters (4" style)
and a 6" peel-and-stick major heading
7 letter sets for 1050 letters,
7 number sets for 476 numbers,
and over 200 punctuations.

Size: 12' x 12'
DuraTrack College Team/Pool Kit
4-inch style for College Team + Pool records.
Each kit includes:
112 record tracks, 28 event tracks, plus
40 heading letters (4" style)
and a 6" peel-and-stick major heading
14 letter sets for 2100 letters,
14 number sets for 952 numbers,
and over 300 punctuations.

Size: 12' x 22'
Standard letter and number color is BLACK. You can choose from 5 other colors for an additional fee. Another option is adding the center event column of letters and sub-headings in a contrasting color. (EG: BLUE records and #'s with RED Sub-headings and RED center event column.)

Event Columnn
​ Major Heading
Name Year Time
When you get to the Order/Cart page, you can use the "Add a Note" icon to type in all your team name MAJOR HEADING and sub-headings, whether they are in the standard BLACK lettering or an optional color.
How many of each letter do I get with each board kit?
PDF chart shows how many of each type of letter and number comes in each set. Product description states how many sets come with each board.
DuraTrack boards are sold in kit form. Prices shown include the following:
​Tracking for all standard records. (Eg: 18 tracks allow for 17 total record lines.) This is a proprietary, custom extruded ABS plastic with attached 3M VHB (Very High Bond) acrylic double-sided tape. This can be attached securely and permanantly to any smooth substrate such as whiteboard, aluminum, smooth bath panel, Plexiglas, etc. Just peel off the double-sided tape backing as you apply.
Template spacers for correct placement and centering of tracking with instructions.
All letters and numbers shown in the above descriptions. You can use the letter breakdown charts above to ensure proper coverage if your records have long names with an abundance of a particular letter. Additional letter kits are available in these rare instances.
OPTIONAL: ​Aluminum H-Channel joiner bars (in white) for all 4-inch HS and College record boards if you choose to upgrade from the plastic panel joiners detailed in the instructions.
Larger headings in either individual letter "squares" or vinyl "peel-and-stick" sign letters, depending on board style.
Because you purchase your 4' x 8' board panels locally (1/8 inch thickness suggested) you save money in both manufacture and shipping. All that is needed is a table saw to cut panels to the proper size and a large, flat table to attach the tracking. Our instructions make it easy. Mounting to a cinderblock wall is easy using 2x4's or wooden straps as "backers" to screw the panels to.
You may want to give your board a frame, which can be a painted edge of the substrate or a painted wooden frame to give it depth. Instructions offer suggested mounting hardware for every type of wall. If you have specific questions regarding DuraTrack displays you can e-mail or call. You may want to give your board a frame, which can be a painted edge of the substrate or a painted wooden frame giving it some "depth". Our instructions give many inexpensive options. Our College Team and Pool Record board (Men and Women) will be 12' tall x 23' wide and and used to cost over $4000 with very expensive shipping. This same board can now be purchased in kit form for only $1950.
What do I need to buy ?
Click the PDF file to the right for
info and descriptions.
Want to see a quick video overview of how to use our kits to make a record board? Click on the video below and then the sound option on bottom right.

Please e-mail with any questions.